Sunday, February 12, 2012

Not Sold on the Tumblr

During this past week I had grown curious over the idea of Tumblr. Though I didn't have one, from what I did know, one has the ability to ask questions and hopefully get them answered. Well that’s all fine and dandy, except trying to get one. I wasn't getting a Tumblr for the sake of getting a Tumblr, I was curious about how it works, just sayin'. It isn't as easy as one would expect; not the simple email, password, and click. Well okay, that was the simple part. Actually figuring how it works is completely another thing. Come to think about it, one would think that someone in my generation would at least understand the concept of a Tumblr. Would my generation understand?

I’m not entirely sure to what Generation I would belong to, though I suppose it would come down to either Generation Y or Z. So I’m a part of Generation Y or Z, though I'm still really too sure which (perhaps more so Y than Z, but who's to say?). I assume this just because one had given up or simply lost count some time ago. This should tie in with this past week; someone had made the commentary that there isn't anything private anymore for this generation. This is probably quite true, and I would have to agree. And yet I still could make a counter-argument that it's nothing more than a unique obsession with documenting “just about anything.”

The argument for both can be linked to the concept of the social media. Anyways, it's not too hard to come across social media. Social media would include Skype, Youtube, Spotify, Digg, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and the ghost town known as Google+. If you look, it’s just about everywhere (on the internet). Of course there are probably more than I had previously listed. As for me, I prefer the Twitter over most or all them, but that's just me.

Getting back to point, the Tumblr was pretty confusing, not going to lie. My curiosity with the Tumblr was soon extinguished as I witnessed the dashboard. I wasn't all too disappointed, I mean have better things to do. Congratulations to those of you who actually got it to work. Of course, it is always possible that I just so happened to overthink it.

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