Sunday, September 18, 2011

Are Zombieland Tips, Actually Legit?

     Well what I did this past weekend, besides going to UWM, was watching the movie Zombieland, again. Sure it's got humor, blood, Jesse Eisenberg, and of course zombies. But I wondered, to myself if any of the tips that Eisenberg's character spoke of could actually have done any good in a real zombie apocalypse. The tips were: 1. Cardio, 2. the Double Tap, 3. Beware of Bathrooms, 4. Seatbelts, 5. Travel Light, 6. Don't Be a Hero (which is later changed to Don't Be a Hero), 7. Limber Up, 8. When In Doubt Know, Your Way Out, 9. the Buddy System, 10. Check the Back Seat, and 11. Enjoy the Little Things. Hmm it sounds like some could be legit. Then again, who knows?
     I suppose that the idea of Cardio never crossed my mind, and this also goes the same for Limber Up, but I suppose when being chased by “ravenous freaks” (coined by Eisenberg's character), it's always good to be in shape, but that should be a rule of thumb, whether there are zombies or not. So those two rules are out, and they were pretty much eh anyways. The Double Tap, however I found to be quite useful. And it doesn't only apply to this film, but really could be used in any situation where the antagonist(s) just doesn't want to or seem to die, which is basically any slasher movie (and those characters could really benefit from this). Now the Beware of Bathrooms, I personally can see were Eisenberg's character is coming from (though, I don't think we have the same fear in mind, but whatever). They still can be a very scary place to be in (especially a certain latrine that resides in a certain restaurant in Indiana, which has been burned into my memory, it wasn't good). It also goes along the same lines as Check the Back Seat, because god only knows what's back there anyways. But a simple look over the shoulder could be a matter of life and death. Yet that is an extreme case. Who has really ever heard of a zombie breaking into a car and camping out in the back seat? Now I felt that the Seatbelts tip, though one should always wear them, was just applicable in rare circumstances, which, in this case, happened to be flying through the windshield (yea, you know that common thing).
     Travel Light seems to be actually quite reasonable, especially when it's in some form of an apocalypse (it's really a guess). I mean bringing all of one's belongings along is just rubbish. So good work Eisenberg's character! It seems to me that a zombie apocalypse would be like packing for a family vacation; sounds fun. Next, Eisenberg's character really lives by this next tip: Don't Be a Hero. Even though he later does breaks it, it's only to save Emma Stone's character. So, even the main character throws it out. Just like most things, there are a time and a place for everything, and Eisenberg's character does prove that. But all and all, in the midst of all that jazz, there could be dire consequences.
     When In Doubt, Know Your Way Out: this could also, in a certain way, be tied to the Beware of Bathrooms tip. Whether it's a terrible conversation, house fire, or an apocalypse, knowing one's exits are important. The Buddy System has been around for thousands years or so (once again, that's just a guess). It does come in handy, believe it or not, when your in Six Flags or DisneyLand; well, at least for the most part. So nothing can go wrong, right? Possibly not, but there is always a chance that your buddy has, or will, turn into a zombie, and therefore the system failed. Oops! Enjoy the Little Things is a tip that reminds me of something that my high school health teacher might/would say. But in all reality, this really isn't much of a survival tip, which is why I am also throwing it out. 
     Well, these tips all do serve a purpose in the film, and actually do help out the characters at times. Without an actually zombie apocalypse there isn't a good way to test this theory out, so they might all be legit, or just crap. Still I found the Double Tap to be my favorite tip that could actually save one's live, assuming they would have the right materials.

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