The season premiere of the Office was this past Thursday, well, there are certainly changes and surprises. Such as the main one, no more Michael Scott as the boss of Duder Mifflin. I wonder if the Office can really survive without him. I mean sure, Steve Carell was basically half the show, but is it stable enough to stand without their fearless leader. Then again, they still do have Toby. From what I had knew prior to watching this episode was hearing something about James Spader joining the Office. Foolishly I had assumed that he was replacing Steve Carell's character. Well that wasn't the case, it just so happened that James Spader's character had replaced Kathy Bates' character as the CEO (what a twist).
So, then the question is asked, who's the new boss? Well it turns out to be Andy. Andy has one main goal, which is getting a half-day on Columbus Day. Surprisingly Dwight is actually pretty cool about it. Even Dwight has a new morning routine, which he has grown accustom to. Pam is pregnant again, as well as Angela. Also “planking” has become quite popular around the office. The whole episode was based around theses lists that James Spader's character had left around the office. The list had different names of the members of the office. Assorted on either the left or the right side. It just so happens that Spader's character is doing the same idea as people who doodle, just Spader's character makes lists of different scenarios.
Like, in many situation comedies, this has been situation where comedic stuff is about to happen. So members of the entire office try and figure out what the list means. Spader's character later takes employees that are on the left column out to lunch, well the others, ones that are on the right column, stay back and have a pizza party. It is later revealed that those employees are the winners of the office and the others are the losers. Of course this plays well, Kevin takes it to heart and send a office wide text to the left behinds, more or less insulting them. Andy makes a heart-fill speech which makes it all good with Spader's character and the members of the office. Andy had accomplished his goal of getting a half-day on Columbus Day. So it's a win win. And Andy did do good, I suppose with him at the helm. He will do just fine as a Michael Scott replacement, but he might want to step up his game though.
To be honest, I thought the episode was pretty descend, for one that they don't have Steve Carell anymore. Nevertheless, the show still had the same level of humor as when they had Michael Scott (so there's going to be less “That's what she said” jokes, of course just a guess). Then again, I guess having B.J. Novak write this episode, was a plus on keeping it the same. I suppose it isn't that fair that I'm basing this whole season on one episode. I suppose I will just have to watch next weeks episode. And one more thing thought it's getting off topic, during the Office, there was this commercial for the movie, the Rum Diary and I'm pretty psyched about another Hunter S. Thompson film.
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